Date Archives

January 2015

Walking Dead Returns February 8th! Here’s A Sneak Peek.

Walking Dead Season 5 returns on February 8th, and AMC has just released a trailer of what’s to come in the second half.

I love these teasers. They get me so pumped up. I think Walking Dead has really redeemed itself in the last two seasons. I’m super invested in the characters again and like where the storyline has taken them. If you’re stuck around Season 2 or 3, I’d say try and keep watching. I thought 3 was just a bunch of people hanging out at a farm and having D&Ms with each other waaaay too often. There’s a zombie apocalypse. No one has time to just be chillin’. I want drama, twists, new characters and the ones I don’t like to be eaten by zombies. You can’t do all those things hanging washing up in your backyard for half an episode.


Also this…




– Geek and Gamer Girl xx


Star Wars Half Marathon In California Over The Weekend

Since Disney has acquired the Star Wars franchise, they’ve been milking it for all it’s worth. This weekend, a Star Wars themed half marathon was held at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. It sold out in just 2 hours with more than 12,000 people registering for the event.

Xbox One Will Soon Be Able To Take Screenshots

My Xbox One console will soon be capable of achieving something I’ve been able to do since my childhood DOS days: print screen. This screenshot function is good news for the social and online aspects of gaming, meaning players can share more of their content and personal experiences with each other. I’ll be making good use of…

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Some Dude On Craigslist Needs Help With Super Mario World On SNES

Some desperate guy from LA has posted this ad on craigslist because he can’t finish Vanilla Dome on Super Mario World for the SNES. Fool. Vanilla Dome wasn’t that hard, plus you could totally unlock the Top Secret Area in the previous world for Yoshi, power-ups and extra lives… so if you really sucked that badly, you…

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Welcome to Geek and Gamer Girl

Hey guys! Check out my first Youtube video for Geek and Gamer Girl!


Also don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and other social media below 🙂



– Twitch:


Youtube link here if you’re having trouble.


– Geekandgamergirl

My View On Lego… Comic Style

This comic strip entitled ‘Lego Friends’ by Maritsa from the blog Seasonal Depression has been circling the internet recently. I reckon it pretty much sums up what I think about the lego sets available and the weird stuff they’re trying to market to girls these days. Also how I feel about most video games. I…

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Video Games, A Visual Timeline

Click here for the full size image.

I found this trolling around in my folders. I love these kinds of charts and visual presentations of information, particularly if that information pertains to video games.

I’m a bit disappointed it only goes as far as 2009, though. Hopefully I can find one as well presented as this with the next gen consoles included. I wish I knew who created this one so I could bug them to do an updated version.