Date Archives

February 2015

A Clip From My Twitch Stream – Dying Light: Kicking Viral Butt + A Random Zombie On Fire?!

Check out a highlight video from my latest Twitch stream!

Played a bit of Dying Light.

Like an idiot, I attracted a bunch of ‘virals’ which are super quick (I know I call them volatiles at one stage, but they’re the night zombies) and didn’t have much to fight them off with. But somehow I didn’t die. Probably cause of my awesome skillzzzz? (jokes I’ve been playing this game for a total of 2 hours now).

Plus some random zombie was on fire… these are way more common than they should be.

Also this game is super stressful!!

First Crucible Match In 2 Months: An Upload Clip Montage

I decided to smash some Destiny’s PvP Crucible after a 2 month break.

I realised it was Iron Banner week as I started the match and wasn’t really expecting much. My weapons are NOT upgraded and I wanted to use my Sunbreaker gauntlets which pushed me back down to Level 30.

Expected epic carnage… actually kinda had a really good game. Wish I’d taken a full video of it.

Instead I have compiled the 30 second Upload clips I took into a fun montage for you instead.

Apologies for the swearing. I get pretty into PvP stuff… 🙂

XĂ»r – February 20-22: Spend ALL Your Coins On Heavy Ammo Synthesis!

Okay so that might be a bit of an exaggeration. XĂ»r is back in the Tower and although he doesn’t have a lot of exciting Exotics for sale, he is once again stocking Heavy Ammo Synthesis. Buy some!

Location: Vanguard Hall (straight ahead and down the stairs when you spawn in the Tower). On the left as you come down the stairs, next to the Crucible weapons handler.

Sorry guys, was super busy on Friday night so ya’ll are only getting the video this week. No links to wiki below.

Check out the video above!!!!

Want: These Totally Mathematical Adventure Time Doc Martens

Want these. SO BAD. UK shoe brand Dr. Martens and Cartoon Network are joining forces and releasing limited edition Adventure Time Doc Marten boots. Available to pre-order from Solestruck, they are expected to ship on the 31st of March. They come in three different styles – Finn, Jake… and Finn & Jake. I definitely want…

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XĂ»r – February 13-15: This Dude Is Getting Boring + No Engram?!

Xur’s back in the tower! Yay for Fridays! Check out the video above to see what he has this week!!

It’s pretty boring… lol. Also I was already bummed about Xur not selling Heavy Weapon Ammo Synthesis… but no exotic engram? Some Exotic Vendor this guy is.

Continue reading for a text version and links to wiki for more info on what he’s selling.


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My Thoughts On The Battlefield Hardline Beta

The Battlefield Hardline beta ran for 5 days last week, with the full game being released in March. I got a bit of carnage in… when I was actually able to join a server. I thought I’d quickly share with some of my thoughts and impressions on the game so far. I don’t want to…

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Sweet Easter Egg Reload Animations Discovered In Battlefield Hardline Beta

Check out these cool rare reload animations some players discovered in the Battlefield Hardline beta that’s currently running till hopefully the end of the day on February 8.

I can imagine these dudes WTFing for a couple of seconds after the animation happened before hastily yelling “XBOX RECORD THAT!!!!!!” in an articulate and clean American accent so it doesn’t launch Internet Explorer instead… apparently my Xbox is from California and hasn’t travelled much.

I love things like this! Hope there’s more of this sort of thing in the full version of the game which is out in March.

Continue reading to view the four animations discovered so far. The Jedi one at the end is definitely my fav.


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