I knew I liked Canadians. Actor Leonard Nemoy, famous for his portrayal of Spock in the original Star Trek series, died last week. In remembrance, Canadian fans have taken to their $5 bills, artistically transforming former present, Wilfred Laurier, into a very convincing Spock.
Date Archives
March 2015
Battlefield 4: Epic Ragefest
I really do love Battlefield 4 but it also shits me to tears sometimes. Particularly when I haven’t played for about 5 months and have played way too much Destiny Crucible and Halo multiplayer in the interim.
It’s one of those games you have to play regularly because most of the buttholes in your game have been online every day since you took a break.
Anyway, I decided to play a few rounds the other day after my hiatus for some stupid reason and ended up raging because I sucked. I filmed it for your enjoyment and it is now on YouTube.
Watch above or click here.