

Happy Straya Day Peeps! A Handy Video For Today’s Festivities

Today is Australia Day! Yiewwww! Hope everyone’s had a super chill long weekend. The weather today is totally crappy and unAustralian today, but hopefully your BBQ is under cover somewhere and you’re cracking bevvies in your boardies and thongs nonetheless.

The Triple J Hottest 100 also started at midday. I don’t have high hopes for the results this year… I think I’ve slowly been losing faith over the years. But if Taylor Swift hasn’t been disqualified and ends up #1, Triple J is officially dead to me.

Besides that, here’s a helpful video to help you through today, just in case you find yourself with a fresh stubby and nothing to open it with. Shit happens all the time, amirite? Also I can’t do the lighter thing everyone else can do. So sue me.

The coin and eyelash curler tricks in this vid is actually pretty cool. The rest of the examples could be interchanged for pretty much any solid object with a sharp edge protruding from it, but you get the idea… You can open a fucking beer on pretty much fucking anything. “STRAYA”!!!


– GeekandGamerGirl


Elders React To Grand Theft Auto V… While Obeying All Road Rules

This is the latest video from the React Channel on Youtube, created by The Fine Brothers.

It involves some older dudes and ladies playing Grand Theft Auto for the first time. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues.

I love that they’re concerned about stopping at red lights and stop signs. That’s a super responsible and elderly thing to do. Unfortunately it gets you no achievements or unlocks… so… yeah. Now you know.




Welcome to Geek and Gamer Girl

Hey guys! Check out my first Youtube video for Geek and Gamer Girl!


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– Geekandgamergirl