Deja Vu – Apple Watch Release Set For (Maybe) March 2015

Finally! The Apple Watch is set to be released in March 2015, according to a number of sources. Probably unreliable ones considering this also was announced around January last year. Bummer.

I’m super excited about the Apple Watch. I don’t care for any other variations as all of my devices at home are Apple. The funniest part is I don’t wear watches. Not since I was 10 and had a pastel blue, rubber strapped Rip Curl surf brand watch. I’ve always used my iPhone for time-related activities and felt it was just an expensive piece of jewellery. The Apple Watch will be the first wristwatch I’ve bought since the late 90s because: I luv techologiez lolz. My sister would be so ashamed right now…

In complete contradiction to my philosophy on watches in the last 10 years, I would get the rose gold version if I can afford it… It matches my jewellery, okay? But chances are if it’s out in March I probably can’t without selling some of my crap cool shiz on eBay. In fact I’ve been pretty lazy with that and may have (cbf checking) amassed a small eBay fortune worth of goods… minus the hefty eBay fees. A girl’s gotta dream. Or get a better job…


rose gold apple watch



The Things I Love About The Apple Watch That My Dad’s Tag Heuer Can’t Do:

apps on apple watch


The little cluster of apps. Yes. Super cute. I just really enjoy how they look on the watch face. I can’t wait to see the screen resolution in person. Knowing how good the retina screens look on the current devices, I’m sure it’s going to to be crisp and breathtaking.


The customizable watch face is crazy customizable. I was totally surprised by this and the large range of wrist straps available. I can change aesthetic elements around on my iPhone… without illegally hacking the shit out of it? Shock horror!! Plus “90s Hong Kong market Mickey Mouse watch”  is one of the watch face options. Totally nostalgic.


apple watch variation 4
apple watch variation 5


It can answer my questions and talk to me when I’m lonely. I think I’ll actually use Siri a lot more often if she’s on my wrist. They’ve integrated this feature well into the watch and have made it super intuitive to use without much fiddling around. I still love asking her to tell me stories and then being a total bitch and seeing her reactions. Good to know they’ve updated her responses to my completely unintelligent and often offensive questions over the years, yet she still doesn’t get it right when I ask her to play ‘The Rapture’ shuffled. I know she heard me say, ‘The Rapture’… which is an artist on my iPhone… but she still plays ‘The Preatures’… shuffled. Total moron.


It has navigation and can take phone calls. I can’t wait to try these out for myself. Neither of these functions are anything new, but the idea of doing it on my watch is sweet. Plus I’m excited to see how they’ve changed and simplified these things to better suit the size of the device.


apple watch maps


It has my fitness watch built in. With the latest health monitoring technology including a heart rate monitor, advanced accelerometer and GPS, I’m actually going to really enjoy tracking and monitoring my fitness…. or just seeing how many calories I burned walking around the confectionery aisle at the supermarket. The apps surrounding the health aspect of the watch look pretty cool and super simple too, which is exactly what I’m looking for in a fitness wearable. Particularly if I’m expected to continue using it after the initial week of “new gadget hysteria” wears off. This will render my current Polar fitness watch utterly useless, so I may as well sell it to fund my new Apple Watch.


apple watch calories


Not Convinced By the Social Features Yet…


Sketch… lolzzz. I can’t draw AT ALL. Why would I want to send a dumb little doodle to someone that I wish I could have redrawn before sending? Which isn’t an option. Draw Something was awesome in that regard. Not that sending a cloud doodle to someone on a watch isn’t just as confusing as a flower, but that’s what people are going to be getting from me instead. Maybe some geometric shapes and probably lots of hearts. In fact I’d say almost exclusively hearts if I don’t get a redraw. Circles are frigging hard to freestyle.


apple watch sketch


Tap… maybe? This is the ability to send a custom series of taps to someone that translates as vibrations through their watch. I think it’s the technology behind this intimate type of Facebook poking that I like more than the concept. Only because I’ve had many experiences with people who used the Facebook poke excessively. Also some who took the poke the wrong way. It’s just a poke man, settle down.


Heartbeat. Uh… Yeah I can’t imagine I will ever use this feature – literally sharing my heartbeat with someone. Except the day I get my watch (or the second person I know does), at which point I’ll probably have a lol and move on with setting Mickey Mouse as my watch face. I get what they’re trying to do here by making the device more personal. But it’s already a watch that can feel the gentle rhythm of my heartbeat and lend an ear and some solid advice when I’m stuck on my muffin recipe. That’s pretty good, Apple. Could have stopped there.


Overall I can’t wait to get one. Please be March.. only if I have money by then. In that case, please be pre-July so I don’t have to wait too long. I’m almost going to need an iPhone 6 if I get a new watch, right?


– Geek and Gamer Girl


All images courtesy of Apple.

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