Games I’m Hanging Out For in 2015

It’s 2015! The end of last year saw the release of my new favourite game, Destiny for Xbox One. However there were a few games released at the end of 2014 that were riddled with glitches and connection issues. *Cough* Assassin’s Creed Unity… the worst… and sadly Destiny also saw its issues with connectivity for a period at the beginning of it’s release.

Let’s pretend that never happened for a moment and focus on what’s to come.

Here is my first list of games I’m super pumped for in 2015. These games have either a set release date or TBC release date for 2015. These aren’t all the games I want, just the stand outs on my list. If anything else needs to be added to this list in the future, don’t worry, I’ll make sure you know about it :)

1. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

(Xbox One, PS4) – March 2015

I’m putting this one first because it comes out the soonest. Also it will give me my much needed Final Fantasy fix prior to the major title release of XV (see below for more deets on this game!)

Set in the war torn fantasy world of Orience (a familiar theme in the Final Fantasy series), it follows Class Zero – a group of 12 students from an elite military academy after a neighbouring nation invades their own. Each character has a unique fighting style and weapon which will hopefully add some variety to the battle sequences.

Expecting an experience similar to the slightly more niche RPG games I played on Xbox 360, like Tales of Vesperia and Square Enix’s Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Not so much the super epic PS2 days Final Fantasy revival that XV will bring. Not that this is a bad thing at all, but as it was originally released for the PSP back in 2011 and this is an HD remake for next gen console, we’ll probably see a simpler version of what to expect from FFXV. I always find the storylines weaker in the less mainstream RPG titles or handheld versions. Hopefully being Final Fantasy it won’t disappoint too much but I don’t have super high expectations on plot lines.

Below is the mega corny American character trailer for the game, which unfortunately showcases the game better than the others at the moment.




2. (OMG PLZZZZZ) Final Fantasy XV

(Xbox One, PS4) – TBC 2015

Will it be released in 2015? I think all of us super fans are definitely hopeful. The sneak preview below is just… *drool*. I love these CG scenes and the major Final Fantasy releases have never disappointed in this department. From the look of the gameplay too, it seems to be a return to super in-depth, completely open world Final Fantasy days of PS2. I hated Final Fantasy XIII with a passion.

You play as Noctis Lucis Caelum, a prince of the nation of Lucin, who is thrown into battle with the neighbouring nation of Niflheim over the world’s last remaining crystal.

With a battle system supposedly similar to Kingdom Hearts, real-time and no loading in and out, I’m definitely willing to spend hours battling enemies in the wilderness for XP or items. I’ve endured some pretty terrible things in the name of levelling up. The world itself seems to be set in the modern day with lots of roads, buildings and city scapes, many of which are modelled after real life locations. That said, there is also a lot of wilderness and old building ruins to be explored.

You also get to navigate the open world in your entourage’s sweet car, which is a cool new feature. Or you can walk or ride a Chocobo, old skool style.

See below for the (finally!) English version of the trailer for Final Fantasy XV, released late 2014.




3. Kingdom Hearts III

(Xbox One, PS4) – TBA 2015

Weeeee!!!! Oh man, this has been my dream since Kingdom Hearts II in 2005. No handheld Kingdom Hearts titles have ever compared to the originals on PS2. 10 years I’ve waited for a third console title. If the calibre of Kingdom Hearts I and II are anything to go by, this game is going to be frigging brilliant.

Fun Fact: the young kid from Sixth Sense, Hayley Joel Osment, was the voice of Sora in Kingdom Hearts I & II. He will be returning for Kingdom Hearts III. Good times!

Not much to go on yet, but check out the announcement trailer below.



Also check out the intro from the first Kingdom Hearts. Imagine. Start game for the first time. This opening scene, which transitioned straight into the playable, and to my relief, short tutorial. So epic.



4. Halo 5: Guardians

(Xbox One) – TBC 2015

I have to be excited about this – even if I am really into Destiny now and think it has officially overtaken Halo as my favourite Bungie title yet. I’ve been playing a bit of the multiplayer beta, access came exclusive to the Masterchief Collection and although I got owned in my first round (it was just really foreign to start with), I like what they’re doing. I’m probably a bit more excited about the single player campaign, though. A multiplayer co-op mode would be sweet. I love the old school Halo split-screen co-op and think Bungie has done this well in Destiny.

The story is set around the disappearance of Master Chief after a number of colony worlds are attacked and war breaks out. You play as Spartan Locke. Your mission? To find the Master Chief and protect the galaxy from a mysterious threat. Obviously.

The Halo Official E3 Trailer from June last year is still the only one around on the interwebs… and it doesn’t tell us much. Except badassness is imminent. If Destiny is anything to go by, I’m expecting a massive improvement over Halo 4. Man, I’m so demanding!




5. Destiny Expansion 2: House of Wolves

(Xbox One) – TBC Early 2015

Even though this isn’t a title on it’s own and simply an expansion, it deserves a mention. I’m a big fan of Destiny and have so far been thoroughly impressed with Bungie’s efforts to update and improve the game. The first expansion, released December 2014 called The Dark Below was well implemented. I’m hoping for more from House of Wolves. Please let us have the third sub-class! The empty slot is upsetting to look at.


See below for a leak of some of the story mission and strike info for the House of Wolves DLC. Also I told you the Reef would end up having a playable planet. So many doubters…




6. The Legend of Zelda Wii U

(Wii U) – TBC 2015

This is another title at the very top of my list for 2015. I haven’t gotten a Wii U yet because depending on my financial situation at the time, I will validate the purchase of a new console based on the games already released. Destiny was the point I bought the Xbox One. Don’t have much spare cash right now, but Legend of Zelda is the Wii U’s ticket into geekandgamergirl’s living room.

Open World Zelda sounds like the sickest thing ever. Like Skyrim but with cute, colourful, although still mildy intimidating enemies. Even the grass is adorable in the developer preview below from mid 2014.




7. Batman: Arkham Knight

(Xbox One, PS4) – TBC 2015

I really enjoyed the first two titles in the Batman: Arkham series. Sadly Batman: Arkham Knight is the fourth and final in the series, but hopefully it’s the most impressive.

The Scarecrow is threatening Gotham City with his ultimate plan to destroy Batman… for good. Highly unlikely, my friend. It’s very clearly up to Batman to stop Scarecrow and his villiainous mates from harming Gotham’s citizens and destroying everything.

Much of the same combat system remains, with some updates of course. I liked this unique combat style, with the ability to purchase upgrades throughout the game for special moves and abilities. One cool new addition to the game is the ability to hoon around like a boss in the Batmobile. That thing is built for some serious stunts and ass-kickery, armed with upgradables such as rockets, speed boosters and the ability to smash through walls and large trees. Hulk. like. smash. stuff. It also has two switchable modes with different abilities – Pursuit and Battle. Can you eject directly from the Batmobile and begin gliding over the city? Damn straight you can. Da na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, BATMAN!


See the theatrical announcement trailer below.




8.Fable Legends

(Xbox One) – TBC 2015

I’m a bit scared… but hopeful as usual for the titles being released exclusively for Next Gen consoles. Fable: Legends will hopefully not be as abysmal as the last two in the series were, although it’s the first to be focussed on multiplayer gameplay. I pretty much ignored the last Fable title for Xbox 360. Their attempt to force me to use the early Kinect back then was just insulting. I have a Wii when I want to flail my arms around alone in front of my television, plus I can still have a controller in my hand in case someone is secretly filming me. Playing Zelda. NOT a crazy person!


Want to be a part of the beta SO BAD. Got an email recently instead, informing me of all the fun the beta testers are having without me. What a dick tease.


Anyway, by the looks of it there are specific classes to choose from and switch between – Mage, Ranged/Crossbow, Thief/Light Swordsman and a Tank/Blocker. Also looks like you can play as a female and they’re making a big emphasis on the ability to be either a hero or a villain in the game, which is one of the main themes throughout the series.

Looking forward to more info as it comes. Till then, check out the current theatrical trailer for Fable Legends.




9.The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D

(3DS) – TBC Autumn 2015

Worth a quick mention, Zelda: Majora’s Mask is a 3DS remake of a N64 favourite. I really enjoyed the Ocarina of Time for 3DS  and love having it on my little handheld to take around with me. The small updates made for the transition to 3DS were perfect without messing with the original game.

I’ll definitely be getting a copy of this when it released.

See below for the announcement trailer from Nintendo.




They’re the top ones for now. I will post info about any others when I become aware of them!


– Geek and Gamer Girl x

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