Halo Multiplayer Patch Delayed. Just Play The Battlefield Beta.

Halo: The Masterchief Collection has been plagued with campaign bugs and multiplayer issues since it was released three months ago. We’ve all been waiting for the patch that’s actually going fix matchmaking… and now it’s delayed.

343 Industries has announced via a blog post that they need more time to iron out the kinks in the update before it is released to the public.

In a way, I’m kinda glad. If the update isn’t going to fix stuff yet, I’m not interested. There were too many buggy games to deal with last year, I don’t think I could handle it. I’m DYING to play Elder Scrolls Online on my Xbox One, but if I have to wait till mid 2015 for a stable console version, just so I can last 10 minutes in the game without throwing my controller… then I’ll wait.

Plus the Battlefield Hardline Open Beta drops ANY SECOND NOW!!!! So just download that and smash the shit out of it for 5 days. Who cares about rehashing old Halo maps anyway?

Who am I kidding, I’d be doing it right now if I could find a match. Maybe I’ll just go play some Crucible in Destiny while I wait… close enough.



– Geek and Gamer Girl


(Image via 343 Industries)

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