Production On First Assassin’s Creed Movie Has Finally Begun!

Yeah that’s right. There is going to be a film adaptation of the Assassin’s Creed games and it’s set to release in December 2016. Cue fan girl scream.

I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Maybe it’s because there is also a Ghost in the Shell movie and a Legend of Zelda TV Series in the making. I think the era of the gaming nerd is finally upon us. We’re finally cool enough that Hollywood is making movies and TV shows about stuff we were watching and playing back in the 90s.

Original gamer, yo.

So, back to Assassin’s Creed… actress Marion Cotillard has reportedly just been signed on to the series (yes, there will be more than one movie). I liked her in The Dark Knight Rises and Inception. Not sure who she’ll play though, but if she’s a love interest, she better be a butt-kicking one. I also like Michael Fassbender, who has already been announced to play our main man in a hood. Happy with this casting so far.




The movie will follow a former felon/bartender who is kidnapped by a shady company and forced to relive his ancestors memories for sinister purposes. His ancestor, an assassin during the Crusade of the Middle Ages, had knowledge of a sacred artifact and this Abstergo-like corporation (I’m sure they’ll just call it that) will stop at anything to get their hands on it.

Nice! Standard Assassin’s Creed stuff.

Justin Kurzel, who also directed Macbeth (set to release this year, also starring Cotillard and Fassbender) will be directing at least the first movie. Cute that the family is getting back together. Hopefully it will make for some magic on screen 🙂


Can’t wait for more news on this!! Will keep you posted.



– Geek and Gamer Girl xx


[Images via Ubisoft/Warner Bros]

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