Star Wars Half Marathon In California Over The Weekend

Since Disney has acquired the Star Wars franchise, they’ve been milking it for all it’s worth. This weekend, a Star Wars themed half marathon was held at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California.

It sold out in just 2 hours with more than 12,000 people registering for the event.

Come on Australia! Where’s our Disneyland? I’m super keen! Plus Wonderland and Sega World died a long time ago. I would like to request an all-year-round Nightmare Before Christmas area be included in the new park.

Let’s all take a moment of silence to remember Sega World, though. That place was badass. Also remember the weird spaceship ride with Michael Jackson in it? I do… maybe too vividly for my liking.

– Geek and Gamer Girl xx


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(Image via Wikipedia)

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