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Sweet Easter Egg Reload Animations Discovered In Battlefield Hardline Beta

Check out these cool rare reload animations some players discovered in the Battlefield Hardline beta that’s currently running till hopefully the end of the day on February 8.

I can imagine these dudes WTFing for a couple of seconds after the animation happened before hastily yelling “XBOX RECORD THAT!!!!!!” in an articulate and clean American accent so it doesn’t launch Internet Explorer instead… apparently my Xbox is from California and hasn’t travelled much.

I love things like this! Hope there’s more of this sort of thing in the full version of the game which is out in March.

Continue reading to view the four animations discovered so far. The Jedi one at the end is definitely my fav.


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What Does The Future Hold For Mini-Games In Loading Screens?

A recently rediscovered patent Namco Bandai filed back in 1995 for loading screen mini-games will expire on 27th November this year. So what does that mean for the rest of the gaming world and will it be utilised? Um… it’s probably a bit late for that.   In 1995, Namco Bandai patented the ability to run a…

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Xûr – January 23-25: Exotic Boots?!

Xûr time!! I apologise in advance that I can’t screenshot or record my Xbox One yet. I don’t really have a lot of money right now but it’s super high on my priority list. I will, however, take some tacky photos on my iPhone of my TV screen (sozzies) and at least link items to…

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Want: RetroN 5 Gaming Console Plays All Your Retro Games

The RetroN 5 gaming console from Hyperkin. Want. This thing plays all your classic games on one console, with an HD upgrade and brilliant user interface for managing games, including cheats and save states for each game. One of these babies would mean I don’t have to have separate consoles with a mess of cables hooked…

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Xbox One Will Soon Be Able To Take Screenshots

My Xbox One console will soon be capable of achieving something I’ve been able to do since my childhood DOS days: print screen. This screenshot function is good news for the social and online aspects of gaming, meaning players can share more of their content and personal experiences with each other. I’ll be making good use of…

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