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GTA V Fast Forward #1 – The Beginning

This is the first of my GTA V Fast Forward series. I’m going to be playing through the single player mode and picking the funny moments and highlights on the way!

Hope you enjoy!! (Apologies for my epic cough. Still recovering from bronchitis.)

H1Z1 Battle Royale – Ep 1. “Bitches Ain’t Shit”

A clip from one of my Twitch streams!

This was my first time connecting to an Aussie server. Also my first time using my new Logitech G502 Proteus Core mouse. It didn’t go well… 😛

Sorry for the potato cam guys. I can only stream in 540p on my crappy Australian internet. Only some of my vids will be this quality and hopefully not for long!!! I promise!

March Update Video

My March update video for Geek and Gamer Girl.

I’m sorry I’ve been so slack at updating my website!! Ive been focussing a lot on my Twitch and YouTube and trying to work in between :(.

Promise I’ll be back soon!


– Geek and Gamer Girl xx


Welcome to Geek and Gamer Girl

Hey guys! Check out my first Youtube video for Geek and Gamer Girl!


Also don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and other social media below 🙂



– Twitch:


Youtube link here if you’re having trouble.


– Geekandgamergirl

Games I’m Hanging Out For in 2015

It’s 2015! The end of last year saw the release of my new favourite game, Destiny for Xbox One. However there were a few games released at the end of 2014 that were riddled with glitches and connection issues. *Cough* Assassin’s Creed Unity… the worst… and sadly Destiny also saw its issues with connectivity for a period at the beginning of…

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From PC to Mac

I’ve been a PC girl most of my life and still use one for gaming. Mac has just impressed me a lot in the last 10 years. My house is now riddled with Apple products and I’m not ashamed to admit it.   In the Beginning, There Was PC I grew up with a PC in…

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My Early Geek and Gaming History

This is mostly gaming related… but it’s also the reason I’m an uber geek… therefore Geek AND Gaming History!!   Sega Mega Drive/Genesis I grew up playing my next door neighbour’s older brother’s Sega Mega Drive or Sega Genesis as a very young kid under the age of 10, which is where my passion for games in particular started….

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And So It Begins…

Hey guys. Welcome to Geek and Gamer Girl. I’m getting the site up and running over the next few days, but I will be adding new content from now. Keep checking back and don’t forget to add me to social media for updates and new post and reviews! – Geek and Gamer Girl x