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Some Dude On Craigslist Needs Help With Super Mario World On SNES

Some desperate guy from LA has posted this ad on craigslist because he can’t finish Vanilla Dome on Super Mario World for the SNES. Fool. Vanilla Dome wasn’t that hard, plus you could totally unlock the Top Secret Area in the previous world for Yoshi, power-ups and extra lives… so if you really sucked that badly, you…

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Games I’m Hanging Out For in 2015

It’s 2015! The end of last year saw the release of my new favourite game, Destiny for Xbox One. However there were a few games released at the end of 2014 that were riddled with glitches and connection issues. *Cough* Assassin’s Creed Unity… the worst… and sadly Destiny also saw its issues with connectivity for a period at the beginning of…

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