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A Clip From My Twitch Stream – Dying Light: Kicking Viral Butt + A Random Zombie On Fire?!

Check out a highlight video from my latest Twitch stream!

Played a bit of Dying Light.

Like an idiot, I attracted a bunch of ‘virals’ which are super quick (I know I call them volatiles at one stage, but they’re the night zombies) and didn’t have much to fight them off with. But somehow I didn’t die. Probably cause of my awesome skillzzzz? (jokes I’ve been playing this game for a total of 2 hours now).

Plus some random zombie was on fire… these are way more common than they should be.

Also this game is super stressful!!

Walking Dead Returns February 8th! Here’s A Sneak Peek.

Walking Dead Season 5 returns on February 8th, and AMC has just released a trailer of what’s to come in the second half.

I love these teasers. They get me so pumped up. I think Walking Dead has really redeemed itself in the last two seasons. I’m super invested in the characters again and like where the storyline has taken them. If you’re stuck around Season 2 or 3, I’d say try and keep watching. I thought 3 was just a bunch of people hanging out at a farm and having D&Ms with each other waaaay too often. There’s a zombie apocalypse. No one has time to just be chillin’. I want drama, twists, new characters and the ones I don’t like to be eaten by zombies. You can’t do all those things hanging washing up in your backyard for half an episode.


Also this…




– Geek and Gamer Girl xx