The Best Kind Of Vandalism: Canadians Are “Spocking” Their $5 Bill

I knew I liked Canadians. Actor Leonard Nemoy, famous for his portrayal of Spock in the original Star Trek series, died last week. In remembrance, Canadian fans have taken to their $5 bills, artistically transforming former present, Wilfred Laurier, into a very convincing Spock.

Although this isn’t a new thing, a buttload more people have now decided it’s an appropriate way to immortalize the actor, to the annoyance of the Bank of Canada. Unfortunately for them, it’s not actually an illegal practice to deface currency… so chances are it’s just going to continue happening without consequence. Power to the people!

I say Spock on! I would trade all my notes for Spocked fivers and pay for everything with them for the rest of my life… like my own nerdy currency. As if you would say no to a $5 note with frigging Spock on the front.




In fact I found an Australian guy a while back who was drawing on $5 notes and the Queen’s face and posting them on his blog – bunchof5s. He’s created some geeky masterpieces. It’s actually a criminal offense to deface Australian currency, so this guy is totally a hardcore rebel (and possibly in jail which is why he hasn’t posted for a while).

See below for some shots of my favorites… Pfffft… I WISH our fivers had Finn & Jake on them.




adventuretime bunchoffivers






– Geek and Gamer Girl xx


[images via bunchof5s]

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