The Coolest Thing About Windows 10 Is The Voice Assistant Is Named Cortana

Microsoft’s new web browser is also called Project Spartan, which is badass too.

But honestly, the Windows 10 announcement last week wasn’t mind-blowing. Most of the new features coming to the OS are things we’ve already seen on current Android and Apple devices, such as universal apps and other examples seamless device integration. Yawn, dudes.

They did however announce some weird 3D feature called HoloLens, which reminds me immediately of Minority Report. Why that’s going to be useful for my portable devices, I can’t imagine, which is something I feel like people use a lot more these days.

Notice how in the image below, the dude is doing the demonstration from behind… so we can’t see how stupid he looks in those glasses… standing in his kitchen… gesturing erratically into thin air. In fact every demo pic from the official HoloLens site is the same. Conclusion: Minority Report was badass, 3D Goggles are not.




The whole ‘futuristic’ thing seems to be a bit of a theme. They did skip Windows 9. Proof enough that Window 10 is obviously far ahead of it’s time and like… super advanced and stuff. Or so they’re trying to make us think. You got us there, Microsoft! Who would know any better in 2015, anyway? Bunch of idiots, we are.

The coolest thing about Windows 10 is that new Voice Assistant is called “Cortana”, a reference to one of the best known characters in the Halo games. Plus she was Master Chief’s right hand woman! Halo fans will greatly approve. We’re not going to buy Windows devices, though. Siri is already heaps of fun, and I’ll just start calling her Cortana, anyway. She’ll still do what I tell her. She knows what’s coming if she doesn’t…

All Microsoft has left is to keep their current market. Android and Apple have already won the mobile war, and Apple are slowly taking over the personal computer market as well.

Good luck, guys.

Now if you made your stuff compatible with Apple devices… My PC might actually get more use. That might be something to look into, Microsoft. Also integration between Xbox One and Microsoft 10?! Why Not Xbox One and Mac?? Haters.


– Geek and Gamer Girl xx

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