Xûr – January 23-25: Exotic Boots?!

Xûr time!!

I apologise in advance that I can’t screenshot or record my Xbox One yet. I don’t really have a lot of money right now but it’s super high on my priority list. I will, however, take some tacky photos on my iPhone of my TV screen (sozzies) and at least link items to the Wiki so you can get more info. At least I spent money on a nice TV before I was broke… there’s a silver lining here somewhere.

This week Xûr has all post expansion items for sale this week. And two of the items are exotic Leg Armour?! That’s new! They’re nothing special to be honest.

So what to buy? Um… nothing really stands out this week. Sadly. My excitement tonight was pretty short lived. Here’s why:


I already have Starfire Protocol – the Warlock Chest Armour, which I honestly bought because I had enough Coins to spare and Warlock is my fav so I want all her Exotics. It grants you an additional Fusion Grenade and the ‘carry more Fusion Rifle/Heavy Weapon ammo’ perks. Not bad, but not the best Warlock Exotic out there. If you picked up the Obsidian Mind helmet from last week and don’t mind using your Voidwalker, then this is badass. Also keep an eye out for the Claws of Ahamkara if you didn’t pick those up a little while back. Another post-expansion addition, these gauntlets are very useful for either subclass with an additional charge granted for Scorch and Energy Drain.


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The MK. 44 Stand Asides are the Titan boots, which increase the duration Shoulder Charge remains active. I never use shoulder charge… so I’m not that impressed by this. Again, I have better Titan exotics that are already fully upgraded. The ‘Carry more ammo for Heavy Weapons’ perk for these is also on the new Hunter boots, which makes me think all exotic Leg Armour for this expansion will carry this perk.


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I’d almost buy the Radiant Dance Machines for my Hunter just because of their name. They give you the ability to move more quickly while aiming your weapon, which again is just… meh… especially compared to the helmets already available for the Hunter. This perk is already available on some weapons, too. I never use them.


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Lastly the Sniper Rifle – No Land Beyond. I don’t own this yet, but don’t really care too much for it either. I love my exotic Primary Weapons, but I’m not a super fan of the ‘Special Weapon in the Primary slot’ perk. That’s just taking away my Pulse or Auto Rifle which I primarily use, and forcing me to replace it with another Sniper or a short ranged, slow firing Shotgun or Fusion Rifle. It also does no elemental damage and hasn’t got great impact, which is almost on par with my legendary Sniper Rifles. This might be good for PvP instances, but I’m yet to give it a go.


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Conclusion – Upgrade Gjallarhorn if you need to. That’s a must. Out of the items he’s got for sale, I think No Land Beyond is your best bet if you have the Coinage. A new weapon is always fun to play around with, plus you can trade it between your different classes, unlike armour.

If you can though, I’d save some of your Strange Coins for next week. I’m still convinced there are better Exotics already in your inventory than the Leg Armour being sold.

Unless there comes a point where we can wear a full suit of Exotics. Then buy away. A girl can dream…



Xûr’s Location:

Hall of Guardians (straight ahead down the stairs when you spawn in the Tower), near the Vanguard mentors in the end room, on walkway to the right.



Exotics For Sale:

MK. 44 Stand Asides – Titan Leg Armour

Radiant Dance Machines – Hunter Leg Armour

Starfire Protocol – Warlock Chest Armour

No Land Beyond – Sniper Rifle

Exotic Shard – for upgrading exotics

Exotic Helmet Engram



Upgradeable Exotic Armour:

Knucklehead Radar – Hunter Helmet

Achlyophage Symbiote – Hunter Helmet

Helm of Inmost Light – Titan Helmet

Crest of Alpha Lupi – Titan Chest Armour

Light Beyond Nemesis – Warlock Helmet

Sunbreakers – Warlock Gauntlets



Upgradeable Exotic Weapons:

Bad Juju – Pulse Rifle

Invective – Shotgun

Universal Remote – Shotgun

Thunderlord – Machine Gun

Gjallarhorn – Rocket Launcher

Truth – Rocket Launcher



Curios For Sale:

Shutgun Telemetry

Machine Gun Telemetry

Rocket Launcher Telemetry

Plasma Drive (Sparrow Upgrade – No Colour Boost)

Emerald Coil (Sparrow Upgrade – Green Boost)



Oh man! No heavy weapon synthesis AGAIN this week?! That shit is expensive…




Till next week!




– Geek and Gamer Girl

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